The plane crash that takes place about half way through the series becomes a major component throughout multiple seasons. The bear in the water is referenced many times and you see body bags outside of Walt’s house. The viewer can assume Walt probably had something to do this. The viewer might even think that Walt killed these people. Turns out he did… Just not directly
By letting Jane, Jesse’s girlfriend, overdose and not rolling her on her side to prevent her from chocking to death, her father cannot cope with the idea of her being gone. She was supposed to go to rehab the day before. Because he cannot handle reality, he does not perform at his job to the fullest, which is the directing of aircrafts through their altitude and speed. He in a sense leaves his body and lets two large jets crash into each other right over Walt’s town causing a high loss of lives. Walt and Jesse begin to carry this guilt from it because Walt knows he let her die and Jesse got her to start using again.
I believe this scenario became such big part throughout the middle of the series to emphasize how much actions can have a chain reaction. This is just one of many instances in the series where Walt and Jesse’s actions affect those who are not even involved. It’s kind of scary to think about. This was probably the biggest chain reaction throughout the whole series. Hundreds and hundreds of people died because of a junkie and a selfish man.
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