During the Pilot episode we watch a chemistry teacher transform into a meth cook in a single episode. Many people might have mixed feelings about what Walt was doing. He was trying to give his family a safety net since he would most likely pass soon from Cancer. But he was putting himself and his family in potential danger by involving himself with drugs. Having a close family member pass away this summer from cancer made me have sympathy for Walt since I understand what medical bills can do to the family. But Walt is unaware of what the drug world can do to oneself and the people are them. So is it really worth it?
I believe the writers wanted its viewers to sympathize with Walt even if they thought cooking meth was wrong. This episode was going to give the audience a chance to choose a side and establish an opinion about Walt. There are endless views and opinions about whether Walt's decisions were right, justified, or moral.
So does something justify the use, selling, and/or making of an illegal substance? I believe that no matter your opinion or feelings about the substance the bottom line is if it is illegal you have to respect the law or be prepared to take responsibility for the repercussions. I believe there is always another alternative. The Pilot episode makes viewers think about what is really their stance on the endless issues there are currently with drugs. Walt could have gotten a life insurance policy or a better job since he was well qualified? (But then of course there would be no series.) Do the risks out weigh the rewards? To some people in the real world they don’t. I believe there is an ongoing battle between morals and the law when it comes to an illegal substance today in the US and the Pilot makes its viewers think about just that.
You engage with the text very well here, both at the surface level (what actually happens in the episode) and at the "meta" level (what is going on "behind the scenes"). Keep up the good work.